prototyping weMother
In the context of the workshop Thinking weed – interstitial ontologies, conducted by Fabricio Lamoncha and Catarina Reis, I began developing weMother, an installation that sparks a new branch of my ongoing postdoctoral research, with the goal of integrating techno and ecofeminist approches.

Where are the media artist mothers?
To a certain extent, it is possible to deduce that the absence of motherhood as a topic in media art field mirrors the gender based technological gap of the field experienced until today. Aiming to dig into this problem, the project Where are media artist mothers? comprises a series of initiatives. The very first of them is an online survey…

Motherhoods in the Art: from representations to experiences(Art History / Contemporary Art)
Winter semester 2022-2023 | Kunstuniversität Linz | BA Kulturwissenschften During this seminar, discussions were based on various approaches to motherhood and mother-child relationships in selected artworks and art projects, ranging from Renaissance Madonnas to posthumanist queer mothering and parenting in contemporary media artworks. The group analyzed how artists have articulated common symbols, materialities, and alternative narratives related to motherhood throughout…

Review at neural magazine
“distinctive book with her rare knowledge of the underlying relationships between the biological, the technical and the theoretical.” I am happy to share that neural magazine published a review of my book Sensing and making sense: Photosensitivity and light-to-sound translations in media art. It is a great honor to receive such a positive review from this acknowledged magazine in the…

Guest lecture at Interface Cultures in Linz, AT
Relational marginalities? Media art and the grounding inequality-conviviality relationships in Latin America 18. January 2022, 12.15pm – 1.15pm ONLINE via MSTeams* Interface Cultures invites to Alumni Guest Lecture by Dr. phil. Graziele Lautenschlaeger Although it may sound reductionist in a complex and globalized world to define a geographic/regional frame to address art production, the contemporary art world (institutions and…

Projeto Canteiro: curso de extensão na UFPR
Por meio do projeto de extensão da Universidade Federal do Paraná chamado Canteiro – que trabalha na interface entre corpo, arte e educação – ofereço nos dias 14, 16 e 18 de junho o curso Artemídia como Transcrição. Os três encontros se configuram como uma introdução aos elementos técnico-estéticos fundamentais para a criação de sistemas performativos com mídias eletrônico-digitais. A…

Mediate: In-Betweenness
Glad to join the MEDIATE: in-betweenness exhibition this Saturday at 15 CET (10 am in Brazil). The «Brainstorm» schedule consists of 10 sessions, 15-20 minutes each, starting at the top of every hour from 12 CET to 20 CET. Each session presents two specialists to reflect upon the in-betweenness of two proposed “keywords”. The curators long for triggering exchange, further…

Code jam e palestra no PCD20SP
Neste encontro da comunidade Processing em São Paulo houve um sábado intenso de trocas através de uma code jam, em que o grupo de participantes decidiu por desenvolver uma plataforma de composição visual colaborativa, fragmentada entre o dispositivos móveis dos participantes. A documentação do projeto desenvolvido está disponível no GitHub. No domingo, a troca aconteceu através de palestras, quando tive…

Explorations in Art and Technology
Glad to share this new publication, a contribution to the second edition of the classic book in media art history and theory, Explorations in Art and Technology (2018), jointly edited by Linda Candy, Ernest Edmonds and Fabrizio Poltronieri. I wrote about the conceptual aspects and the creative process of my performance Self-portrait of an absence. Among other emergent Brazilian artists,…