Dr. phil. Graziele Lautenschlaeger (Rio Claro/SP, Brazil, 1983) holds a PhD in Cultural Studies from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, a Master of Science in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo and a Bachelor in Media Design, Image and Sound from the Federal University of São Carlos. With a transdisciplinary background and experimenting different media and languages, her artistic and academic production essentially draws on cybernetics, relational aesthetics, media archaeology and new materialism. Among her interests of investigation are: the notion of translation of materialities (transcreation), hybridization between organic and machinic elements, interface and interaction design, as well as relationships between spaces and narratives. Her most relevant publication is the book Sensing and making sense: Photosensitivity and light-to-sound translations in Media Art (2020). She is currently postdoctoral research fellow of the VALIE EXPORT Center / Kunstuniversität Linz.