Neste encontro da comunidade Processing em São Paulo houve um sábado intenso de trocas através de uma code jam, em que o grupo de participantes decidiu por desenvolver uma plataforma de composição visual colaborativa, fragmentada entre o dispositivos móveis dos participantes. A documentação do projeto desenvolvido está disponível no GitHub. No domingo, a troca aconteceu através de palestras, quando tive…
Tag: Self-portrait of an absence

Explorations in Art and Technology
Glad to share this new publication, a contribution to the second edition of the classic book in media art history and theory, Explorations in Art and Technology (2018), jointly edited by Linda Candy, Ernest Edmonds and Fabrizio Poltronieri. I wrote about the conceptual aspects and the creative process of my performance Self-portrait of an absence. Among other emergent Brazilian artists,…

Premiere: Self-portrait of an absence
I am happy to announce that “Self-portrait of an absence” is coming out! Please join us at the opening of the exhibition: Musical Instruments in the 21st Century @Design transfer / UdK Einsteinufer 43-53, 10587 Berlin performance schedule: Thursday | Oct 13th 2016 | 7 – 9 pm Friday | Oct 14th 2016 | 4:30 – 6 pm Saturday |…

II Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia
I would like to share with you my participation in the artwork XOXOXOLOLOLOL, by the artist Thiago Hersan, exhibited at the II Festival de Arte e Tecnologia de Atibaia, to be held between July, 2nd and October, 28th 2016 at Incubadora de Artistas in Atibaia/SP, Brazil. Hersan’s artistic research presents a critical perspective over social media. The artist developed a series of projects that…