Tag: lecture

Motherhoods in the Art: from representations to experiences(Art History / Contemporary Art)
Winter semester 2022-2023 | Kunstuniversität Linz | BA Kulturwissenschften During this seminar, discussions were based on various approaches to motherhood and mother-child relationships in selected artworks and art projects, ranging from Renaissance Madonnas to posthumanist queer mothering and parenting in contemporary media artworks. The group analyzed how artists have articulated common symbols, materialities, and alternative narratives related to motherhood throughout…

Guest lecture at Interface Cultures in Linz, AT
Relational marginalities? Media art and the grounding inequality-conviviality relationships in Latin America 18. January 2022, 12.15pm – 1.15pm ONLINE via MSTeams* Interface Cultures invites to Alumni Guest Lecture by Dr. phil. Graziele Lautenschlaeger Although it may sound reductionist in a complex and globalized world to define a geographic/regional frame to address art production, the contemporary art world (institutions and…

Code jam e palestra no PCD20SP
Neste encontro da comunidade Processing em São Paulo houve um sábado intenso de trocas através de uma code jam, em que o grupo de participantes decidiu por desenvolver uma plataforma de composição visual colaborativa, fragmentada entre o dispositivos móveis dos participantes. A documentação do projeto desenvolvido está disponível no GitHub. No domingo, a troca aconteceu através de palestras, quando tive…