“distinctive book with her rare knowledge of the underlying relationships between the biological, the technical and the theoretical.” I am happy to share that neural magazine published a review of my book Sensing and making sense: Photosensitivity and light-to-sound translations in media art. It is a great honor to receive such a positive review from this acknowledged magazine in the…
Tag: books

Explorations in Art and Technology
Glad to share this new publication, a contribution to the second edition of the classic book in media art history and theory, Explorations in Art and Technology (2018), jointly edited by Linda Candy, Ernest Edmonds and Fabrizio Poltronieri. I wrote about the conceptual aspects and the creative process of my performance Self-portrait of an absence. Among other emergent Brazilian artists,…
Cinema Apesar da Imagem
Book launch at Da Haus in Apr, 28th 2016. Printed copy available at the publisher’s online shop: Intermeios. My contribution is a chapter titled Entre sensores e sentidos: sobre a materialidade da comunicação na Artemídia. (Between sensors and senses: on the materiality of communication in Media Art). “Cinema apesar da imagem problematiza as telas, justamente as telas, tão presentes e afirmativas de seu formato mais…

Besides the Screen 2014
At Besides the Screen 2014 (São Paulo and Vitória, Brazil) my participation included a lecture, a workshop and a chapter in the book Cinema apesar da imagem. My text relates the sensing phenomena and the materiality of communication in Media Art. Video documentation of the lecture in Vitória is available online: