Don’t give up! About a history that doesn’t want to be told


in collaboration with Andreea Jabelean

FILE SP 2009

Don ́t give up! About a history that doesn ́t want to be told is an interactive audiovisual installation in which a tension between the system and the interactor is generated: the system is programmed to take the narrative to chaos and the public expectations are constructed and interrupted, as a metaphor of a history that does not want to be told.
Histories of a lost man (blue), a dog (yellow), a couple (red) and a murderer (purple) are all related and the interactor is challenged to discover what happened in the scenario. The four events are displayed in the form of animations projected in the mockup inspired by Escher ́s painting. These animations and its soundtracks are controlled by the participants through four coloured ropes related to the events colours. In this tangible interface, the input data generated by the movement of the ropes are collected by encoders attached to the pulleys. Processed by a microcontroller, the data is sent to Max/msp/ jitter, where the audiovisual contents are controlled in real-time.

2008: Ars Electronica Festival – Art on the Move | Linz, Austria
2009: FILE Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica | São Paulo, Brazil
2010: FILE Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2011: FILE Festival Internacional de Linguagem Eletrônica | Porto Alegre, Brazil
2011: Instante – Experiência Acontecimento em Arte e Tecnologia | Campinas, Brazil
2012: Instante – Experiência Acontecimento em Arte e Tecnologia | São Paulo, Brazil
2012: Instante – Experiência Acontecimento em Arte e Tecnologia | Santo Andre, Brazil